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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Navigating My Blog

I can't tell you how many people have told me how confusing it is to navigate a blog...not just mine, but all of them.  I never really understood them myself until I created my own blog and figured it out from the inside-out. 

Here's Blog Navigation 101:
Basically, every "post" I make, I add a quick link, or a label, that connects that post to all the links or buttons down the left side of my page.  Note that EVERY post I make gets put on the HOME page in order by the most recent post, no matter what.  But let's say I posted Applique Fonts last Wednesday...if you click the "Fonts" button down the left side of the page, it will take you to all the posts that I've labeled "Fonts" and that will lead you to Applique Fonts.  I also can label the same post multiple things...not only can I label it "Fonts" but I could get super specific and label it "Applique Fonts" and you could then click on the quick link directly to Applique Fonts.

Another important note:  Once you click a button or quick link, only the latest 3-5 posts are visible on that page.  After scrolling to the bottom of the page, be sure you click "Older Posts" to see the rest of the posts (if any) that share the same label.  Sometimes there may not be more, but a lot of times there are multiple posts under the same button or quick link.  For example, "Boys" and "Girls" will eventually have multiple posts that you'll have to click through because I will have MANY Boys and Girls posts :)

I hope this helps.  If it doesn't, leave me a comment here and tell me what you're not understanding.  I want it to be SO EASY to navigate my site, so any advice is welcome.  Happy creating!!!

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